aHUS awareness Day September 24, 2018

The annual aHUS Awareness Day will be coming up on September 24, 2018. The aHUS Alliance is putting together another video slide show and this year’s video will give you a chance to thank / honor your favorite caregiver or advocate.  aHUS is a devastating disease and having support dealing with it is crucial. Maybe it’s your husband, wife, mom, dad, brother, or sister? Or maybe a doctor or nurse, friend or co-worker?  And maybe you have more than one. Someone or something that helps you or your loved one fight aHUS.

Here’s your chance to thank or honor that person. That’s what this year’s aHUS Awareness Day video project is for. We welcome ALL those affected by aHUS from our global community to join in this project.

Send in:
– Photo of you. If you have one of you and your favorite caregiver or advocate (doctor, nurse, family member, friend, pet, or any one) that would be great but not necessary.
– Name and where you are from
– What you would like to say about your favorite caregiver

You can email your submission to Jeff Schmidt at jeff@ahusallianceaction.org

Submissions are due by September 17, 2018 to allow time to put this together, but the earlier you can turn in your entry the better!

For more info please visit the aHUS Alliance website: http://www.ahusallianceaction.org/hey-hey-it-will-soon-be-…/

The completed video can be viewed here:  atypical HUS Patient Voice